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hayatimdegisti 26-12-2006 12:00 AM

Erteleme ile ilgili bir makale(İngilizce)
Procrastination is a complex psychological behavior that affects everyone to some degree or another. With some it can be a minor problem; with others it is a source of considerable stress and anxiety. Procrastination is only remotely related to time management, (procrastinators often know exactly what they should be doing, even if they cannot do it), which is why very detailed schedules usually are no help.

The procrastinator is often remarkably optimistic about his ability to complete a task on a tight deadline; this is usually accompanied by expressions of reassurance that everything is under control. (Therefore, there is no need to start.) For example, he may estimate that a paper will take only five days to write; he has fifteen days; there is plenty of time; no need to start. Lulled by a false sense of security, time passes. At some point, he crosses over an imaginary starting time and suddenly realizes, "Oh no! - I am not in control! There isn't enough time!"

At this point, considerable effort is directed towards completing the task, and work progresses. This sudden spurt of energy is the source of the erroneous feeling that "I only work well under pressure." Actually, at this point you are making progress only because you haven't any choice. Your back is against the wall and there are no alternatives. Progress is being made, but you have lost your freedom.

Barely completed in time, the paper may actually earn a fairly good grade; whereupon the student experiences mixed feelings: pride of accomplishment (sort-of), scorn for the professor who cannot recognize substandard work, and guilt for getting an undeserved grade. But the net result is reinforcement: the procrastinator is rewarded positively for his poor behavior. ("Look what a decent grade I got after all!") As a result, the counterproductive behavior is repeated over and over again.

Positive reinforcement for delay (a good grade) is a principal contributor to continued procrastination.

Other Characteristics

Low Self-Confidence - The procrastinator may struggle with feelings of low self-confidence and low self-esteem. He may insist upon a high level of performance even though he may feel inadequate or incapable of actually achieving that level.
I'm Too Busy - Procrastination may be used to call attention to how busy he is. "Obviously I cannot do such and such because my affairs are so complicated and so demanding. That is why I am late, etc." The procrastinator may even spend considerable time justifying his reasons, time that could be spent doing the work.
Stubbornness - Procrastination may be used as an expression of stubbornness or pride: "Don't think you can push me around. I will do it when I'm good and ready."
Manipulation - Procrastination may be used to control or manipulate the behavior of others. "They cannot start if I am not there." Let's face it: deliberate delay drives others crazy.
Coping with Pressures - Procrastination is often truly difficult to eradicate since the delay behavior has become a method of coping with day-to-day pressures and experiences. Obviously if one is cured, others will put new demands and expectations upon you. It's easier to have an excuse, to delay, to put off.
A Frustrated Victim - The procrastinator often feels like a victim: he cannot understand his behavior or why he cannot get work done like others. The whole thing is a frustrating mystery. The reasons for his behavior are hidden from him.

Benefits of Overcoming Procrastination
What are the benefits of overcoming procrastination? Peace of mind, a feeling of strength and purpose, and healthy feeling of being in charge of your life. While procrastination makes you feel weak, useless, and helpless, taking charge of your life will make you feel strong, competent, and capable. You will experience increased personal freedom!

Four Simple Reasons for Procrastination

Difficult - the task seems hard to do; we naturally tend to avoid difficult things in favor of those which seem easy to us.
Time-consuming - the task will take large blocks of time, and large blocks of time are unavailable until the weekend.
Lack of knowledge or skills - no one wants to make mistakes, so wait until you learn how before you start.
Fears - everyone will know how you screwed up.
The simple cure? Do everything opposite. Tell yourself: this isn't so hard, it won't take long, and I am sure that I know how to do it, or that I can learn while I'm doing it. And no one else really cares because they are all so busy with their own problems.

Four Complex Reasons for Procrastination

Perfectionism - unrealistically high expectations or standards. Everything must go completely right. It may either imposed or self-imposed. The perfectionist is long on criticism and short on praise.
It creates a high degree of dissatisfaction and frustration because seldom is anything accomplished that is completely acceptable the very first time. The perfectionist nitpicks it to death.
A perfectionist may delay in starting a project because he feels overwhelmed by the sheer amount of energy it will take to criticize and nitpick something, and all the frustration it will generate in the process.
The words should, ought, must, have to occur frequently in the person's conversation. (I should get straight A's; I must do everything right the first time, etc.) "If you can't do it right, don't do it at all."
The desire to have everything absolutely perfect may mask problems of self-esteem and self-confidence.

How to resolve: (1) try self-reassurance that this effort or version will be good enough, (2) make an effort to praise what you have done, (3) it's impossible to eradicate all mistakes, and (4) you have undoubtedly found all the fatal errors by now. Finally, remind yourself that great writers, poets, artists at one time or another completed their work; therefore, it will be okay to say that yours is done also.

Anger/Hostility - if we are unhappy with someone, we'll often withhold our best efforts. For example, if you are upset with a professor, you are likely to delay in starting a demanding project as a way of "getting even." But you are the one who loses; you are the one with the low grade.

How to resolve: Determine that you are the one who is feeling upset and see how your actions will actually harm you in the long run. You are not going to let how you feel about a particular class stand in the way of your personal future, are you?

Low Frustration Tolerance - circumstances overwhelm you easily; you find situations radically intolerable and terribly unfair. Frustration is characterized by whining and complaining, and such phrases as "it isn't fair," "this is too hard," and "no one else has to," etc. Feeling the way you do, it seems reasonable to "put it off" until you feel better about doing the work. The trouble is, you feel just as frustrated the next day.

How to resolve: the more you want something and can't have it, the greater your level of frustration. (1) Get help from someone who can show you how to solve the problem; (2) learn how to temporarily postpone your desires. Most of the time, you will eventually get what you want.

Self-Downing - this happens when you continually minimize your own skills and abilities and express doubt about your ability to succeed. A person who habitually puts himself down tends to disbelieve himself even when he is successful: it was "just dumb luck." In addition, he may also find it hard to accept praise and compliments for work performed - false modesty. ("Wow, you did so well on the exam!" "Oh, I just lucked out; I really didn't know it all that well.")

The trouble with self-downing is that, given a long enough time, the person will actually come to believe that he is incapable of certain levels of achievement.

Self-downing results in procrastination because the person who is uncomfortable with success will seek ways to become less successful and less visible. Turn in that important quarterly report late, and soon success will fade. ("Why did they fire you?" "I told them all along I couldn't sustain the pace, and see! I was right. I can't work at that level.")

How to resolve: (1) practice accepting compliments about your work performance by simply saying "Thank you." (2) Figure out why you feel uncomfortable with success. Did significant others in your life often make you feel that way? Were you taught to minimize your success? Why is success so scary? Will it make you stand out in the crowd? Do you feel as though others will not accept you if you are successful? (3) Remember to compliment and praise yourself for work accomplished.

The Inner Workings of Procrastination

A = Activating Event. The activating event is whatever you are putting off, such as studying, tests or unpleasant tasks.

B = Belief System. These are your "hidden" feelings about the task; your feelings govern your motivation. If you have negative feelings, you will tend to put off or delay. These feelings control your response.

C = Consequence. This is what we actually do. There are two approaches: rational and irrational. A rational response is "I don't like writing papers at all, but I had better get going on it anyway." An irrational approach is "I hate writing papers, and even though it's due next week, I'll start it later."

The fact is, all tasks are really neutral. Examine your belief system, understand why you dislike the task, then change your way of thinking.

Steps to the Cure

Realize you are delaying something unnecessarily.
Discover the real reasons for your delay. List them.
Dispute those real reasons and overcome them. Be vigorous.
Begin the task.

Practice What You've Learned

Think of one thing you are currently procrastinating in, and write it on the line below. It might be personal, school or work-related.
Now write all the reasons for your delay. This may take five or ten minutes because some of them are really hidden from you. These reasons are the controlling influences. Write down as many as possible.
In the "Arguments Against Delay" column, argue against all the reasons for delay in a convincing manner. If you can argue against them successfully, you will be able to start the task.

I'm delaying on ____ because

Reasons for Delay Arguments Against Delay
1. _____________________ _____________________
2. _____________________ _____________________
3. _____________________ _____________________
4. _____________________ _____________________

Some Tools That Will Help

Make the tasks look small and easy in your mind. ("I've written lots of excellent papers; this is just one more paper.")
Do only a small part of the task each time. ("I'll just check out the books tonight. Later on, I'll glance through them.")
Five-minute plan: Work on something for just five minutes. At the end of five minutes, switch to something else if you want. Chances are, you'll get involved enough to keep going.
Advertise your plans to accomplish something, and let peer pressure push you forward. ("I told everyone that I was going to finish this tonight.")
Use a good friend as a positive role model. If you have trouble concentrating, study in the presence of someone who doesn't.
Modify your environment - if you can't study at home, find a place where you can study; or, change your study situation at home.
Plan tomorrow and establish priorities - some students find that simply writing down reasonable starting and stopping times help them get going.
Expect some backsliding. Don't expect to be perfect even when you're trying to get rid of perfectionism! So occasionally, your plans will not work. Accept setbacks and start again.

An Insight
Procrastination is reinforcing - every time you delay, it reinforces your negative attitude toward that task. Every time you put off something you dislike, you:

strengthen the habit of not doing;
practice avoidance instead of participation;
avoid acquiring training and skills, and
indoctrinate yourself with fears.

Active participation in anything tends to give you a positive attitude toward that activity; inactivity helps acquire an unfavorable attitude. In other words, the reason you dislike calculus is because it's hanging over your head, worrying you. Since you haven't acquires skills in it, you can't do the assignments, so why try? Also, there's a test coming up soon, and you MUST do well on it -- except you know you can't. Suddenly everything seems terribly unfair (class is too hard) and you become angry towards the teacher (he goes too fast, and he seems indifferent to my struggles.) The truth is, the sooner you get involved in your studies, the better you will feel.

Common Impediments to Overcoming Procrastination
Procrastination is relatively hard to overcome since you can delude yourself about it so easily. The following is a list of things we often tell ourselves:

Mañana - "I'll do it tomorrow."
Contingent mañana - "I'll do it tomorrow, if ..."
Grasshopperism - "I need to have some well-earned fun first." (In sop's fable, the grasshopper fiddled and played all summer while the ants stored up winter supplies. When winter came, the grasshopper suffered.)
Escapism - "I've got to get out for a while to clear my mind."
Impulsiveness - "My problem will be solved if I change my major, or attend a different college, or "
Music and reading - "I'll relax a while and then get started."
Cavalry to the Rescue - "The professor will get sick and cancel finals!"

Common Rationalizations
Each of these rationalizations needs to be argued against and defeated so that you can experience success. Write a rebuttal for each one.

"I'm more productive when I work under pressure, so I'm postponing all my work until the pressure builds up and then I'll get it done easily."
"I don't know how to do this problem, so I'm waiting until I know how before I do it."
"This task isn't getting done because I really don't want to do it. And that's the honest truth"
"Relax. The world isn't going to come to an end if this doesn't get done."
"This job is easier to do when I'm in the mood, and I'm simply not in the mood right now."
"I waited until the last moment before and it worked out okay, so why not this time?"
"If I wait until the last minute, I won't spend so much time on it."
"If I do this work right now, I'll miss out on a once-in-a-lifetime social event."
"Circumstances beyond my control prevented me from doing so."
"I've worked on this for so long that I have no interest or energy for it."
Now that you understand how procrastination works, and how you can greatly reduce its influence in your life, you'll experience more freedom and greater personal self-satisfaction.

Keep working on it. You may still procrastinate, but now you'll be able to resolve the situation much more quickly which in turn will enhance your feelings of self-confidence. When you do succeed, take time to savor the moment so you will remember how good it feels. This will help the next time you need encouragement.

Treat the discovery process like a game, and have some fun with yourself.

Burka, Jane B., and Yuen, Lenora M. Procrastination.
Reading: Addison-Wesley, 1983.
Ellis, Albert, and Knaus, William J. Overcoming Procrastination.
New York: Signet Books, 1977.

brilliantt 23-06-2007 09:36 AM

Ynt: Erteleme ile ilgili bir makale(İngilizce)
Bu oldukça önemli bir makale olsa gerek
türkçeye çevirmeye niyetli ya da gönüllü bir arkadaş varsa hepimiz için iyi olur sanırım 96

ayshee 23-06-2007 11:21 AM

Ynt: Erteleme ile ilgili bir makale(İngilizce)
Thanks for your valuable sharing! art56art56

Sergey 02-08-2007 06:44 PM

Ynt: Erteleme ile ilgili bir makale(İngilizce)
Bu konuyu Türkceye cevirsem faydası olur mu? Ve puan alırmıyım ? gogogo
Bilgilendirirseniz sevinirim teşekkürler :D

hayatimdegisti 02-08-2007 07:08 PM

Ynt: Erteleme ile ilgili bir makale(İngilizce)

Sergey Nickli Üyeden Alıntı
Bu konuyu Türkceye cevirsem faydası olur mu? Ve puan alırmıyım ? gogogo
Bilgilendirirseniz sevinirim teşekkürler :D

Olur tabii ki ancak script çevirisine daha çok ihtiyaç var şu an.. 12389
Ben size göndereyim onu çevirin... s456

Sergey 03-08-2007 10:34 PM

Ynt: Erteleme ile ilgili bir makale(İngilizce)
Tabii, hangisinin cevrilmesi gerekiyorsa gönderin en kısa zamanda çeviririm. :)

melekelif 03-03-2008 02:40 PM

Ynt: Erteleme ile ilgili bir makale(İngilizce)

bird 20-01-2009 12:47 PM

halen cevrilmediyse bana bildirin ben ceviririm

shamanic 20-01-2009 03:55 PM

bird cüm fırsatın oldukça çevirir paylaşırsan çok seviniriz.. actionsmile

bird 27-01-2009 01:19 AM

bu haftasonu elimden geldigince cevirip yazmaya calisacagim.okudum ve faydali oldugunu dusunuyorum

bird 02-02-2009 09:04 PM

Erteleme herkesi belli bir derece yada farkli bir sekilde etkileyen karmasik davranis bicimidir.Bazilarinda bu kucuk bir problem olup,bazilari icinse hatiri sayilir stress ve aksiyeti kaynagidir.Erteleme sadece uzaktan zaman planlamasiyla akalalidir(erteleyenler sik sik ne yapmalari gerektigini bilirler,hatta bunu yapmasalar dahi),bu nedenledir ki cok detaylanmis planlar genellikle faydali degildir.


Erteleyici kisi genellikle,odevi bitis tarihinden cok kisa bir sure once bitirebilecegine dair kendi yetenekleri hakkinda olaganustu bir sekilde pozitiftir:buna genellikle herseye kendini yeniden inandirmanin ifadesi eslik eder ki hersey control altindadir.(Bununla beraber ,baslamaya gerek yok.)Ornegin,kisi yazilacak kagidin 5 gun kadar zaman alacagini tahmin edebilir;epeyce zaman var,baslamaya gerek yok.Sahte hislerin guvenligiyle kendini yatistirir,zaman gecer.Bir noktada,kisi hayalden cizdigi baslama tarihini gecer ve birdenbire farkina varir.”Oh,hayir!Kontrolden ciktim.Yeterince zaman yok!”

Bu noktada dikkate deger bir caba odevi bitirmeye dogru yonlendirilir,is olumlu yonde gelisir.Bu aniden “Ben sadece baski altinda iyi calisirim.” diye ortaya cikan enerji, yanlis hislerin kaynagidir.Aslinda bu noktada gelisme gosteriyorsun cunku baska sansin yok.Sirtin duvara dogru ve baska secenek yok.Gelisme gosterildi fakat sen ozgurlugunu kaybettin.

Guc bela zamaninda tamamlanmis kagit aslinda oldukca iyi bir not alabilir:bunun sonucu olarak ogrenci karmasik duygularin tecrubesini yasayabilir:basarmanin gururu (bir sekilde),standartlarin altindaki isi algilayamayan profesoru kucumsemek,ve hak edilmemis notu almanin vermis oldugu sucluluk duygusu.Fakat kesin sonuc pekistirmedir.Erteleyen kotu davranisi icin odullendirilmistir(Bak sonunda ne de iyi not aldim!!)Sonuc olarak,amaca ters dusen davranis bicimi defalarca tekrarlanir.

Gecikme icin olumlu destek(iyi bir basari notu)devam eden ertelemeye en onemli katkidir

Diger Ozellikler

Dusuk ozguven-Erteleyici kisi dusuk ozguven ve ozsaygi hisleriyle bocalayabilir.Kisi belki de yuksek performansta israr ediyor olabilir hatta amac edinilen seviye icin gerekli yetenegene sahip olamamasina ve elverissiz olmasina ragmen.
Cok Yogunum-Kisim ertelemeyi nasil da yogun olduguna dair ilgi cekmekte kullanilabilir
“Acikcasi oyle yapamiyorum cunku kaygilarim cok karisik ve talebkar.Gek kalma nedenim bu,vs” Hatta erteleyen nedenlerini hakli gostermek icin hatiri sayilir zaman harcalayabilir:o zaman ki isi yaparak harcanabilirdi.
Inatcilik-Erteleme inatciligi yada kibiri ifade etmek icin kullanilabilir.”Beni zorlayabilecegini dusunme.Iyi ve hazir oldugumda yapacagim.”
Baskilarla basa cikma-Geciktirme davranisi sik sik gunluk baskilar ve dedeneyimlerle basa cikma metodu haline geldiginden beridir ertelemeden kurtulunmasi gercekten zordur.
Acikcasi biri bundan kurtulsa bile,digerleri senden yeni taleplerde bulunacak ve beklenti icine girecek.Daha kolayi bahaneler bulmak,gecirmek,iptal etmek. Manipilasyon-Erteleme baskalarinin davranislarini control ve manipule etmek iicin kullanilabilir.”Burda olmasaydim,onlar baslayamazdi”Kabul edelim,kasitli geciktirme herkesi deli eder.

Hakki yenilmis magdur-Erteleyen sik sik bir magdur gibi hisseder:Davranislarini yada neden isleri baskalari gibi yapamadigini anlayamaz.Butun olan biten sirdir.Davranislarinda yatan nedenler ondan saklanmistir.

Ertelemenin ustesinden gelmenin faydalari
Ertelemenin ustesinden gelmenin faydalari nelerdir?Huzurlu bir zihin,guc hissi ve amac,hayati control edebilmenin vermis oldugu saglikli his.Erteleme seni zayif,faydasiz ve caresiz hissettirirken,hayatini control altina almak seni guclu,kabiliyetli ve becerikliyapacak.Artmis kisisel ozgurlugun deneyimini yasayacaksin.

Ertelemek icin 4 Basit Sebep

Zorluk-Odev yapmak icin zor gorunuyor;Biz genel olarak bize kolay gorunen seylere nazaran zor olanlardan sakinma egilimindeyiz.
Zaman tuketimi-Odev buyuk bir zaman dilimini kapsayacak ve bu zaman dilimi hafta sonuna kadar mevcut degil.
Bilgi ve yetenek eksikligi-Kimse hata yapmak istemez,baslamadan once nasil yapilacagini ogreninceye kadar bekle.
Korkular-Herkes eline yuzune bulastirdigini ogrenecek.
Koay cozum?-Herseyin tersini yap.Kendine de ki bu o kadar da zor degil ve fazla zaman almayacak,nasil yapilacagini biliyorum ve yaparken ogrenebilirim.Kimse gercekten umursamaz cunku onlar kendi problemleriyle mesguller.

Ertelemek icin 4 karmasik sebep

Mukemmelliyetcilik-Gercekci olmayan yuksek beklentiler ve standartlar.Hersey yolunda gitmeli.Bu zorla ya ic zorlamayla olabilir.Mukemmelliyetci fazlasiyla elestirisel sukretmekten yoksundur.
Bu yuksek derecede tatminkarliksizlik ve hayal kirikligi yaratir cunku herseyin ilk seferinde tamamiyle Kabul edilebilir olmasi nadirdir.Mukemmelliyetcilik olumune kadar herseye kusur bulur.
Mukemmelliyetci birisi bir projeye baslamakta gecikebilir cunku mukemmelliyetci katiksiz enerji miktariyla saskina donusturulmus hisseder,birseyler elestirilecek ve kusur bulunacaktir,onun vermis oldugu butun hayal kirikligi bu surecte meydana gelecektir.

Herseye kesinlikle mukemmel bir sekilde sahip olma arzusu ozsaygi ve ozguven problemlerini maskeleyebilir.
Olmali,gerekli,sart,zorunda kelimeleri o insanin konusmalarinda sikca gececektir.(Tam A notlari almaliyim;bir defasinda herseyi dogru yapmaliyim,v.s)”Dogru yapamazsan,hic yapma daha iyi.”
Nasil cozulebilir:
(1)Bu caba veya modelin yeterince iyi olacagina dair kendine yeniden guven vermeyi dene.
(2)Ne yaptinsa ovunmek icin caba sarfet,
(3)Butun hatalari yok etmek imkansidir ve
(4)Suphe yokki simdiye kadar butun olumcul hatalari buldun.Sonuc olarak,butun yazarlarin,sairlerin ve artislerin bir sekilde islerini tamamladiklarini kendine hatirlat;bununla beraber,seninkilerin de bitmis oldugunu soylemekte sakinca yok.

Ofke/Dusmanlik –Eger bizi birisi mutsuz ediyorsa,genellikle en iyi cabalarimizi esirgeyecegiz.Ornegin,Eger ki sinirini professor bozduysa,muhtemelen oc almanin bir yolu olarak emek isteyen bir projeye baslamakta gecikeceksin.Fakat burada asil kaybeden sensin;dusuk derecede basari notu alan sensin.

Nasil cozulur:Buradaki uzgun kisinin sen oldugunu sapta ve aslinda hareketlerinin uzun donemde sana ne kadar zarar verecegini gor. Kisisel gelecegin yolunda onune ikan bir seyin durmasina izin vermeyeceksin degil mi?

Dusuk hayalkirikligi toleransi-Kosullar seni cabucak yenik dusuyor:kosullari tamamiyla tolero edilemeyecek ve korkunc bir sekilde adaletsiz bulursun.Hayal kirikligi sizlanma ve sikayetle niteliklendirilir,”bu hic adil degil,””bu cok zor”ve “kimse yapmak zorunda degil”gibisinden ifade edilir.O tarz davranis sekilde hissederek,daha iyi hissedinceye kadar isi ertelemek daha mantikli gorunur.Asil sorun,gelecek gunde ayni sekilde hissetmen.

Nasil cozulur:Sahip olamadigin seyi daha cok istedmnikce,hayal kirmnikligi seviyen artar.(1)Sana problemi nasil cozebilecegini gosteren birisinden yardim al(2)Gecici olarak arzularini nasil erteleyebilecegini ogren.Cogu zaman,er yada gec istedigini elde edeceksin.

Kendini alcaltma-Bu surekli olarak kendi huner ve yeteneklerini kucuksediginde ve basarmak icin yeteneklerinin hakkinda suphe ettiginde olur.Kisi aliskanlikla kendine inanmamak ve hatta basarili oldugunda(“sadece sans”) bile kucuk gorme egilimine girer.Ek olarak,kisi calisma performansi icin yalandan alcakgonullukle gururu ve iltifatlari Kabul etmeyi zor bulur.(Wov,sinavda cok iyidin!””Oh,sadece sansim yaver gitti.O kadar nasil iyi yaptigimi gercekten bilmiyorum.”

Kendini alcaltmada sorun,yeterli zaman verildiginde,kisi hakikaten mutlak basarma seviyesinde kabiliyetsiz olduguna inanmaya baslayacak.

Kendini alcatma ertelemekle sonuclanir cunku basaridan rahatsizlik duyan birisi,daha az basari ve daha az fark edilir olmanin yollarini arayacaktir.Uc ayda bir verilen raportu gec teslim ederek,yakinda basari golgelenecektir.(“Seni neden isten attilar?””Onlara basindan beri gidisati devam ettiremedigimi soyledim,ve goruyorsun iste!Hakliydim.O sevide calisamam.)

Nasil cozulur;(1)Is performansin hakkinda ilfifatlari basitce “tesekkur ederim” diyerek Kabul etmeye basla(2)Niye basarinin seni nasil rahatsiz ettigini kavra.Seni sik sik hayatindaki mukemmeller olanlar mi o sekilde hissetmene neden oluyor?Basarilari kuculsemek icin ogretildin mi?Basari neden cok korkutucu?Kalabalik arasinda ayaga kalkabilecek misin?Basarili olursan digerlerinin seni Kabul etmeyecegini mi dusunuyorsun?(3)Is basarilarin icin kendine iltifat etmeyi ve gurur duymayi hatirla.

Ertelemenin Manevi Calismalari
A=Harekete gecirme olayi.Harekete gecirme olayi ne olursa olsun erteledigin seyler calisma,testler ve hoslanilmayan odevler gibi.
B=Inanc sistemi.Odev hakkindaki sakladigin hislerindir.Hislerin motivasyonunun yonetir.Olumsuz hissediyorsan,savsaklama yada geciktirme egilinde olacaksin.bu hisler senin tepkini control eder.
C=Sonuc.Bu aslinda yaptigimiz ne yaptigimizdir.Iki tane gorunus vardir:makul ve makul olmayan.Makum gorunum tepkisi”Bu kagitlari yazmaktan hic hoslanmiyorum,fakat yine de yapayim gitsin.Makul olayan gorunum ise”Yazi yazmaktan nefret ediyorum,gelecek haftaya kadar zamanim olsa bile,sonar baslayacagim.”dir.
Gercekce,butun odevlerin notr oldugudur.Inanc sistemini test et,o odevden niye nefret ettigini anal,ondan sonar da dusunme seklini degistir.

Cozum icin basamaklar

Birseyi gereksiz yere geciktirdiginin farkina var

Geciktirmenin gercek nedenlerini kesfet.Onlari listele
O gercek nedenlerle mucadele et ve onlarin ustensinden gel.Guclu ol.
Goreve basla

Ogrendiklerini uygulamaya gec

Su anda geciktirdigin herhangi bir sey dusun ve onu asagidaki cizgiye yaz.Kisisel olabilir,okul ve isle alakali.
Simdi geciktirmen icin butun sebepleri yaz.Bu 5 yada 10 dakika alabilir cunku bazilari senden gercekten saklanmis durumda.Bu nedenler control eden etkilerdir.
Mumkun oldukca bunlari yaz
Geciktirmeye karsi tartismalar sutunda,inandiricibir tutumla geciktirmeye karsi tartis.Eger ki gecikmeye sebep olan nedenlere karsi tartismada basariliysan,goreve baslayabileceksin.


Geciktirmek icin sebebler - Geciktirmeye karsi gorusler
1. _____________________ _____________________
2. _____________________ _____________________
3. _____________________ _____________________
4. _____________________ _____________________

Yardim Edecek Bazi Araclar

Odevi kafanda kucult ve basitlestir(Bir suru mukemmel tez hazirladim,bu sadece bir tane daha)
Her defasinda gorevin kucuk bir kismini yap.(“Bu gece sadece kitaplari control edecegim.Daha sonrasinda onlara soyle bir goz atacagim”)
5 dakikalik plan:Herhangi bir uzerinde sadece 5 dakika calis.5 dakkikanin sonunda ise bunu sevdigin bir seyi yapmakla degistir.Yeterince devam ettigin surece daha fazla sansin olacak.
Bir seyin basaracagini herkese duyur ve bu gorunmeyen baskinin seni ileriye goturmesine izin ver(Bunu aksam bitirecegimi herkese soyledim.)
Bir arkadasini kendine positif rol modeli olarak belirle.Eger motive olmakta zorlaniyorsan,motive olan herhangi birinin goruntusunde calis.
Cevrende degisikler yap.Eger evde calisamiyorsan,kendine calisacagin bir yer bu yada evdeki calisma kosullunu degistir.

Yarinin planini yap ve oncelikleri belirle-bazi ogrenciler mantikli baslama ve bitirme saatlerini yazmanin devam etmede kendilerine faydali oldugu bulur.
Bazi kotu aliskanliklarin tekrardan geri gelebilecegini goz onune al.Mukemmelliyetcilikten kurtulmaya calisirken herseyin mukemmel olmasini bekleme.Bu mumkun oldugunca planlarin calismayacak.Bazi terslikleri Kabul et ve yeniden basla.


Erteleme gucleniyor-her zaman geciktirdiginde,erteleme odeve dogru senin negative davranislarini guclendirir.Ne zaman hoslanmadigin bir seyi ertelersen,sen:
Yapmama aliskanligini guclendirir,
Katilim yerine sakinmayi uygular,
Egitim ve yetenek elde etmekten sakinir,ve
Kendine korkular asilarsin.

Bu aktiviteye dogru sana yonelim verecek herhangi bir positif harekete aktif bir sekilde katil;pasiflik sakincali bir tutumun elde edilmesine yardim eder.Diger bir deyisle,senin hoslanmama sebebin hesaplanmistir cunku o sey kafana takilip duruyor seni kaygilandiriyordur.Onunla ilgili yetenek edinmedinden,odevleri yapamazsin,bu yuzden denemeye ne gerek?Bir de yakinda test var ve sen iyi sonuc almalisin...yapamayacagini bilmenin disinda.birdenbire hersey korkunc bir sekilde adaletsiz gorunmeye baslar(sinif yok zor)ve sen ogretmene sinirlenmeye baslarlar(cok hizli gidiyor ve benim bocamalarima ilgisiz gorunuyor)Gercek o ki,calismalarina ne kadar erken baslarsan, o kadar da iyi hissedeceksin.

Ertelemenin ustesinden gelmede genel engeller

Bunun cok kolay olduguna dair kendini kandirdigin surece ertelemenin nisbeten ustesinden gelmek zordur.Asagidaki liste kendimize sik sik soyledimiz seylerin listesidir:
Mani-“Yarin yapacagim.”
Sebeplere dayanan mani-“Yarin yapacagim,eger...”
Cekirgecilik-“Oncelikle iyi kazanilmis eglenceye ihtiyacim var.”(Su masalda cekirge,butun yaz sarki soyleyip kisin ac kalan)
Kacis-“Kafami temizlemek icin bir sure disariya cikmaliyim”
Dusuncesizlik-“Eger ki certificami degistiririrsem yada farkli bir okula kayit olursam problemim cozulmus olacak yada...”
Muzik ve okuma-“Bir sureligine rahatlayip sonar devam baslayacagim”
Kurtarmaya gelen atlilar-“Profesor hastalanacak ve finalleri iptal edecek!”

Yaygin Bahaneler

Basariyi tadman icin her bir bahane tartisilmali ve yenilgiye ugratilmali.Her birisi icin aksini kanitlayici deliller yaz.
“Baski altinda calistigim zaman daha verimliyim bu yuzden baskilar artincaya kadar butun islerimi erteliyorum ve ondan sonra kolayca yapacagim.”
“Bu problemi nasil cozecegimi bilmiyorum,bu yuzden nasil yapilacagini bilene kadar beklemekteyim.”
“Bu odev yapilmayacak cunku gercekten yapmak istemiyorum.Ve bu da durust gercek”
“Rahatla!Bu yapilmazsa dunyanin sonu gelmeyecek”
“Keyifli oldugum zaman bu isi yapmak daha kolay,ve sozun kisasi simdi havamda degilim.”
“Daha once son ana kadar bekledim ve isler yolunda gitti.Neden bu sefer de aynisini yapmayayim?”
“Son ana kadar kadar beklersem daha az zaman harcamis olacagim”
“Bu isi simdi yaparsam,insanin hayatta eline bir kez gecen sosyal bir etkinligi kacirmis olacagim.”
“Kosullar kontrolumunde otesinde ki beni yapmaktan engelledi.”
“Bunun uzerinde cok uzun sure calistim ve simdi onu yapacak ilgim ve enerjim yok.”
Sonuc olarak:
Simdi ertelemenin nasil calistigini ve hayatindaki etkilerini nasil buyuk olcude azaltacagin anladin.Ve daha fazla ozgurluk ve daha buyuk personel tahminkarlik tecrubesini yasayacaksin.

Uzerinde calismaya devam et.Halen erteleyebilirsin fakat simdi durumu cok daha kolayca cozebilme yetenegine sahipsin donusumunde ozguven hislerin cogalacak.Basardiginda,tadini cikarmak icin kendine zaman tani,nasil bir duygu oldugunu hisedeceksin.Bu sana gelecek sefer ihtiyacin olacak cesareti saglamanda yardimci olacak.

Kesfetme surecine bir oyun bir gibi mudahel ve biraz kendi kendine eglen.

Burka, Jane B., and Yuen, Lenora M. Procrastination.
Reading: Addison-Wesley, 1983.
Ellis, Albert, and Knaus, William J. Overcoming Procrastination.
New York: Signet Books, 1977.

Translated by Bird

banu 04-02-2009 01:53 AM

sevgili bird, emeğin için sonsuz teşekkürler...sevgiyle kal...:)

bird 09-02-2009 11:59 AM

rica ederim

musician_81_ 10-01-2010 03:27 AM

Cevap: Erteleme ile ilgili bir makale(İngilizce)
Çok güzel bir çalışma.Emeğine sağlık...

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