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Standart Cevap: kekemelikte hipnoz Yalçın KAYA ?

değerli arkadaşlar ben doç. dr. yalçın kaya benim hakkımda merakı olanları gördüm. sizlerle bir şeyi paylaşmak istiyorum. beni kendine rakip gören birçok insan bana çamur atmada yarışmaktadırlar. fakat benim referansım. uluslararası düzeyde başarılarımdır. şu anda dünya literatürüne ismiyle yöntemi kabul görmüş tek insan olarak ve aynı zamanda Türkiye cumhuriyeti vatandaşı olarak bu gururu sizlerle paylaşmak istedim. aşağıda uluslararası düzeyde kabul görem makalemle ilgili bilgiler mevcuttur.

başka da söz söylemeye gerek yoktur. hepinizi saygıyla selamlıyorum.
ayrıca on dakikalık bir muayene ücreti bile olmayan bu rakam 1 saat kadar süren birebir seansa karşılık olup olmadığına sizler karar verin.

Available online at www.sciencedirect.com

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 193 (2015) 153 – 164

10th Oxford Dysfluency Conference, ODC 2014, 17 - 20 July, 2014, Oxford, United Kingdom
Synchronized Action of Breathing and Diaphragm by Hypnosis Assisted Abdominal Weightlifting
Exercises and Ego Strengthening for the Treatment of Stuttering "Kaya Method"
Yalcin Kayaa, Ahmet Arslanb, Selahattin Avcib, Bahadir Edizerb, Ali Tamerb
aSelçuk University, SportsFaculty, Department of Physical Education, 42000-Konya, Turkey
bGaziantep University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medical Biology and Genetics,
27310-Gaziantep, Turkey

This is a continuing study for the efficacy of the combined effect of hypnosis and diaphragmatic
exercises in the management of stuttering. This study included 74adults with speech fluency
disorder and a control group consisting of 74 participants.. The people who stutter (PWS) were
highly educated and the control group was selected from university students. The training program
focused on strengthening respiratory muscles and improving diaphragmatic movements by instructing
PWS to practice abdominal weightlifting. The purpose of the hypnotherapy component was to alleviate
anxiety, boost self-confidence and increase motivation for abdominal weightlifting training. The
hypnotherapy consisted of eight sessions spread over eight days and each session lasted
approximately 60 to 90 minutes in duration. After each hypnotic session, the patient was instructed
to practice abdominal weightlifting for two hours at home. The abdominal weightlifting exercises
involved lifting a dumbbell (2.0– 4.0kg) by abdominal movements concomitantly breathing exercises
using their diaphragm. Whilst this exercise is taking place the patients were instructed to spell
out letters, syllables, words, and sentences step by step using their diaphragm associated
breathing. Thus, hypnotic procedures were utilized to increase motivation and self confidence for
the patient to practice abdominal weightlifting at home without the instructor. The pre- and
post-measurements were found to be statistically significant (p<0.01). The results of the study
provide support for the effectiveness of hypnotically-assisted diaphragmatic exercises in the
management of stuttering. Furthermore, the control group who did not undergo any hypnosis during
the 8 days made more mistakes than PWS when repeating the rhymes at the fourth and fifth sessions.
Nevertheless, this study illustrates how hypnosis can be applied in an innovative way in the
management of stuttering and therefore is called Kaya's Method.
Keywords: Stuttering; Abdominal weightlifting; Hypnosis; Motivation; Diaphragm and breathing

©©22001155TThheeAAutuhtohrosr. sP.uPbulibslhiesdhebdybEylsEevlsiervLietrd.LTtdh.i s is an open
access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (Phettepr:-//rcerveiaetwiveucnodmemr
roenssp.oorngs/liibcielintsyeso/fbyth-necS-ncdie/4n.t0if/)ic. Committee of ODC 2014.
Peer-review under responsibility of the Scientific Committee of ODC 2014.

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