Tekil Mesaj gösterimi
Alt 26-03-2007, 10:53 PM   #8 (permalink)
Üyelik tarihi: Feb 2007
Mesajlar: 68
Tesekkür: 0
26 Mesajinıza toplam 99 kez İyi ki varsın demişler.İyi ki varsınız iyi ki varız.
neseli is an unknown quantity at this point
Standart subliminal mind versiyon 1.2 crackli

çok teşekkür ederim bu kadar ilgilendiğiniz için.

Incredible self confidence başlığı altındakiler

I am strong and secure;1
I have inner resources;1
I have the power to realize my goals;1
I take charge of my life;1
I am valuable;1
I stand firmly in my belief in myself;1
People respect me;1
People like me;1
I am a true friend;1
I care for people;1
I am confident of my capabilities, expertise, and know-how;1
I am interested in others;1
I am confident;1
I am a strong person;1
I dissolve all obstacles to having complete self-confidence;1
I am a success;1
I choose to be happy;1
I have faith in myself and my future;1
I am courageous;1
I am a hero;0
People admire me;1
My self-confidence is in who I am, not what I do;1
I deserve to succeed;1
I am calm;1
I maintain my self-confidence in all times and places;1
I forgive myself;1
I have an inner peace;1
I heal all issues affecting my self-confidence;1
I am intelligent;1
I forgive myself for any and all past mistakes;1
I am secure in myself;1
I am confident in myself;1
I discover new aspects of my self-confidence daily;1
I take action;1
I balance my self-confidence with modesty perfectly;1
I recognize and honor my talents, abilities, and skills;1
I control my destiny;1
I see each part of my life as a lesson;1
I believe in myself completely;1
I feel confident from the inside out;1
I move forward, feeling self-confident every step of the way;1

Millionaire mind başlığı altında olanlar

I am willing to succeed;1
I accept affluence;1
I deserve prosperity;1
I attract opportunity;1
I am wealthy;1
Riches flow into my life;1
I have a knack for creating value and wealth;1
My life is full of joy;1
Making money is fun;1
I deserve the good life;1
I expect success;1
I learn from others;1
I am confident in my abilities and skills;1
Dreams can come true;1
I turn ideas into action;1
I create wealth easily and effortlessly;1
I take responsibity for my life and my actions;1
I make great things happen;1
I love to help people;1
I give generously and receive graciously;1
I come up with new ideas for making money;1
People love to help me;1
Money is good;1
I recognize opportunites all around me;1
Money is freedom;1
I deserve to be free;1
It's fun to create;1
I share my ideas with people who can help me;1
I am creative;1
I deserve success;1
I am valuable;1
I am important;1
I care for others;1
I do the right thing;1
I am rewarded for my efforts;1
I attract money like a magnet;1
I have the courage it takes to succeed;1
I live a life of abundance;1

positive self sistem başlığı altındakiler

I am loveable;1
I am worthy of love and friendship;1
I accept myself completely;1
I have a solid sense of self-identity;1
I see myself realistically and objectively;1
I find deep inner peace within myself as I am;1
I say positive things about myself to myself;1
I am a kind, caring and decent person;1
I forgive myself for all I have done;1
I forgive every person who has undermined my self-esteem;1
All false images of myself from the past are now dissolved;1
I love and accept all parts of myself;1
I am an interesting person;1
I love and accept all of my thoughts and feelings;1
I am interested in other people;1
All false messages about me are now dissolved in total grace;1
Every day I am getting better and better;1
I love and approve of myself aside from my accomplishments;1
I share my feelings with others and they accept me;1
I have positive self esteem;1
My self esteem comes from inside me;1
I love and approve of myself;1
I accept myself completely as I am;1
I value and honor myself as I am;1
I strive to improve myself;1
I am loving and accepting of myself just as I am;1
I am loving and accepting of myself for who I am becoming;1
I stand firmly in my powerful positive self-esteem;1
I believe strongly in my powerful positive self-esteem;1
I feel total peace with my powerful positive self-esteem;1

rapid weight loss başlığı altındakiler

I achieve my weightloss goals;1
Losing weight comes naturally to me;1
I choose nourishing, healthy foods;1
I think before eating;1
I drink lots of water;1
Losing weight is fun;1
Healthy foods taste better;1
I am motivated by both successes and failures;1
I accept and love my body as it is, and work to make it better;1
I love challenges and embrace them;1
I lose weight systematically and I keep it off permanently;1
I am losing weight;1
I exercise because it makes me feel good;1
I respect my body and treat it with respect;1
I do everything I need to do to achieve my healthy weight;1
I am encouraged by every success;1
I am motivated by every shortfall;1
Losing weight and I are one;1
I dissolve all blocks to reaching a healthy weight;1
I forgive myself;1
I learn from my mistakes;1
I fill all physical appetites in physically healthy ways;1
I am aware of my eating habits and how they affect my weight;1
I am willing to change my eating habits and I do so easily;1
I build lean muscle and I lose fat;1
I enjoy the process of reaching a healthy weight;1
I see myself at my healthy weight and I achieve it;1
I have non-stop daily determination to reach my healthy weight;1
I like long walks;1
It is easy for me to stay on my plan to obtain my healthy weight;1
I picture myself at my perfect weight;1
I have a positive attitude about what I eat, how I eat, and when I eat;1
My body burns fat like a furnace;1
Developing healthy eating habits becomes easier each day;1
I stay on a healthy eating plan and maintain my healthy weight easily;1
Each day, I automatically and successfully get healthier and healthier;1

çok zahmet olacak haylice çıktı programdaki telkinler..şimdiden çok teşekkür ederim vaktinizi ayırdığınız için..

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